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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

How to Train Your Memory by playing Scrabble?

Scrabble, besides being a game that needs skills in strategy, it also calls for good memory to win the game.


Therefore, this word game can be used to help improve one's memory.

As you know very well, the key to the achieving of high points in this game is by forming words that contain a specified letter, such as "q" or "z".

To train your memory, try to remember the words contain the letter.

As tips, to make it easier, try to associate the word with something, such as your experience, friend, favorite movie, etc.

For example, to remember the word 'quiescent', you can associate it with one of your friend, who is quite by nature.

Another technique, which is my favourite to remember a list, is by combining the words together. For example, to remember some words which begin with 'z', try to memorize this sentence:

"The zany zebra in the zoo runs zigzag zealously and meets zookeper, zoologist and zoombie."

Notice that by combining them, at least you have memorized eight words that contain 'z' letter.

You can apply those techniques to remember things in your daily life.

A research showed that memory can also be improved by doing light activities that stimulate thinking power. The examples of such activities include playing scrabble.

Scrabble, as you know, needs a right strategy to win. Besides having to think about your next move, you also have to think to block up your opponent's move.

Concentrate better so your memory will improve more.

Happy playing this exciting game...

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