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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Dream Symbolism

Dream Symbols are highly individualistic

Although there are archetypes of symbols common to most people, it's usually better to go within yourself to discover the meaning of symbols in your dreams than to consult a dream dictionary.


Interpreting your dreams requires an understanding of yourself.

Most images mean different things to different people. For example, ask three people what the color "red" symbolizes to them and you can get three completely different answers:

· Blood
· Stop
· Love

Those answers couldn't be more different! Most images in dreams are like this, which is why YOU are the best person to interpret your own dreams.

During a counseling session, a therapist will sometimes ask you about your dreams. But rarely will they tell you what they mean. Why? Because the good doctor doesn't know what your dreams mean!

Rather he or she will ask you a series of questions to help you uncover the meaning of symbols and images for yourself. This will often involve free association exercises as well as a skilled discussion of your history with regard to the images and symbols in your dreams.

It can be a long process, but a very rewarding one that leads to life-enhancing revelations!

Remember - Dreams are meant to enhance your life while you're awake. They're important messages from the depths of your soul, and all dreams are meant to come true!

Learning from your dreams is powerful, but also fun!

While dreams are meant to enhance our lives and not just entertain us, there's certainly nothing wrong with enjoying their entertainment value along the way!

As you start to remember more of your dreams, you'll be amazed, and even dazzled, at the latent creativity in your mind. It's like getting free movies every night ... and they're all produced personally for you and customized for your needs.

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